lonely road

Taking a break for a while

After many years of writing for this blog and posting what I learn along the way, I’m finally taking a break. It’s become apparent to me over the past few years that I simply do not have the time to continue putting effort into this aspect of my life. With two children and a career switch to the management track,

Echoing CSS vars

Sometimes you want to echo out the value of css variables but they are hard to debug unless you know where to look. In JavaScript just do the following: getComputedStyle(document.documentElement).getPropertyValue(‘–my-cool-var’)

Ack > Grep

Recently I’ve needed to do some string searches for occurrences on my local file system. I can tell you by far the easiest thing I’ve found to get up and running quickly is `ack` with a combination of other tools: First off let’s start with a simple string search: This does a couple things. -i means to ignore case, -o


Ever needed a fake json api to make calls to and verify your building what you want? Now that exists.. https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/

Regex : Select Everything Between

Let’s say we want to select things between two string patters. For instance the middle of a file path: /Users/Stuff/Dev/things/stuff/more/things/package.json We can use something called a look behind and a look ahead to get the match we want. Let’s say in this case I want to pull out: “stuff/more” First off if you don’t have Reggy, I highly recommend it.

Filing Bitcoin Trades with the IRS

For those of you out there who traded bitcoin and prefer doing your own taxes through turbox tax may find the following fairly useful. This is a response from a page on their forums. I’m providing the important points here and a link at the bottom: [pastacode lang=”markdown” manual=”I’d%20guess%20you%20didn’t%20get%20a%201099-B%20for%20those%20trades.%0A%0AUse%20the%20%22Stocks%2C%20Mutual%20Funds%2C%20Bonds%2C%20Other%22%20interview%20telling%20TurboTax%20that%20no%201099-B%20was%20received.%0AUse%20the%20%22Everything%20else%22%20investment%20type.%0AMake%20sure%20your%20list%20reports%20the%20same%20information%20that%20a%20Form%208949%20would%20report%2C%20separated%20between%20long%20term%20and%20short%20term%20holdings%2C%20with%20dollar%20subtotals%20for%20each%20term%3A%0A%0AWhat%20was%20sold%0ADate%20of%20sale%0AProceeds%20of%20sale%0ACost%20basis%0ADate%20of%20acquisition%0A%0A%0AOn%20the%20page%20%22Some%20Basis%20Info%20About%20This%20Sale%22%20enter%20%22Summary%20of%20ST%20Crypto%20Currency%20Trades%20%22%20or%20%22Summary%20of%20LT%20Crypto%20Currency%20Trades%22%20depending%20which%20group%20you’re%20working%20on.%20Enter%20the%20total%20dollar%20amount%20of%20proceeds%20for%20each%20group%20as%20appropriate%20and%20you%20can%20use%2012%2F31%2F2017%20for%20date%20of%20sale.%0A%0AOn%20the%20%22Tell%20Us%20How%20Your%20Acquired%20This%20Property%22%20page%20tick%20%22Purchased%22.%0AOn%20the%20%22Enter%20Purchase%20Information%22%20page%20enter%20the%20summary%20cost%20and%20the%20word%20%22various%22%20in%20the%20Date%20of%20Purchase%20box.%0AOn%20the%20%22When%20Was%20This%20Investment%20Acquired%22%20page%20you’ll%20answer%20%22Yes%22%20for%20the%20long%20term%20trades%20and%20%22No%22%20for%20the%20short%20term%20trades.%0A%0AIf%20you’re%20mailing%20in%20your%20income%20tax%20returns%20you%20can%20include%20your%20manipulated%20substitute%20for%20a%20Form%208949%20as%20part%20of%20your%20filing%20though%20I’d%20add%20%22See%20Schedule%22%20to%20your%20descriptions%20of%20what%20was%20sold.%0A%0AIf%20you%20are%20e-filing%20your%20tax%20return%2C%20then%20mail%20your%20statements%20along%20with%20Form%208453%20to%3A%0A%0A%20Internal%20Revenue%20Service%0A%20Attn%3A%20Shipping%20and%20Receiving%2C%200254%0A%20Receipt%20and%20Control%20Branch%0A%20Austin%2C%20TX%2073344-0254%0A%0AForm%208453%3A%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.irs.gov%2Fpub%2Firs-pdf%2Ff8453.pdf” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/] This was taken from: https://ttlc.intuit.com/questions/4240094-i-have-over-2k-crypto-trades-to-report-i-used-bitcoin-tax-to-get-my-overall-gain-loss-and-generate-8949-but-do-i-have-to-enter-each-trade-how-do-i-report-a-summary I just wanted to

Easier Request Parsing with Python

Sometimes you just need a set of tools to help you automate certain functions of your daily routine. For me it’s running builds and verifying that things are working as I expect. Lately, I’ve needed a way to tell if certain domains/pages are available or not. I have bash scripts to do this, but they are bulky and confusing to

Learn how to make a GLSL Circle

In this tutorial, I show how to make a simple GLSL Circle. For those who aren’t familiar with GLSL, you can follow a really good set of tutorials here: https://thebookofshaders.com/ If you are familiar but just need a refresher or just gettin started, feel free to watch. I follow a simple set of progressions from controlling the colors in the

xScope command to copy colors

This one will benefit maybe one person out there…ever. If you want to copy a color you are hovering over in xScope. Hover over the color you want and hit: [pastacode lang=”less” manual=”ctrl%20%2B%20cmd%20%2B%20optn%20%2B%20c” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”/] This will allow you to copy the color that you were hovering over And then you can use it paste in other applications. NOTE:

GLSL Functions Explained

UPDATE: Actually, you don’t need to read further, instead go here: http://thebookofshaders.com/glossary/   Disclaimer: I’m in no way an expert on GLSL, graphics programing, or anything else in the world, really… However, I’m finding it difficult to find good docs on WebGL functions, that explain in layman’s terms what the hell they do. So I’m starting a list here and updating