Let’s get right to it shall we?
If this is your first time, get a usb cord, plug into the beagle bone and plug into your laptop. Download the drivers for your computer in step #2 on this page. Then navigate to NOTE: you may need to restart your computer.
If you want to make something blink, click the “cloud 9 ide” link, and copy and paste some code from this page, make sure to hit the “run” button not the “debug” button at the top. Boom you pwn some leds.
Ok, you’re bored. Enough of this virtual shit, let’s get something we can develop with.
Adafruit has a good tutorial on how to write an image to an sd card from a mac. Go here, grab the latest version of angstrom. Follow the instructions from the aforementioned tutorial to write your sd card image. NOTE: if you get a permission denied error when trying to write the disk, it’s because the sd card reader fugged up. Apparently, apple made the macbook pro like nintendo, so what did you do when your games got messed up on nintendo? Take the game out and blow! Seriously, Jiggle the card around and blow. Thanks apple. Also, this will take a long time, so feel free to surf porn or whatever your do at work.
Now install angstrom on your beagle. Follow the tutorial about half way down the page here. should take about 45 minutes. Be sure you have a power supply that provides more than 1A as the bone can pull this much during installation.
Next get it running with wifi, follow the tutorial here: http://learn.adafruit.com/beaglebone/wifi
You might also find that you can’t find the bone on your network after you remove all your peripherals and just plug your wifi into the usb. This is most likely because you haven’t powered it.
If you want debian, there’s a great distro here: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardDebian.