I know this is super easy for all you PHP nerds out there, but it’s these sorts of posts I enjoy the most. Super simple, short and easy to understand…
Let’s say we have this:
$example = array( array("client1", "client2", "client3"), array("client1", "client2", "client4"), array("client4", "client5", "client6") );
We have a multidimensional array of clients. We want to flatten the array and then see how many times each client is duplicated. Here’s a function to do just that:
function flatten_count($multi) { $objTmp = (object) array('aFlat' => array()); array_walk_recursive($multi, create_function('&$v, $k, &$t', '$t->aFlat[] = $v;'), $objTmp); return array_count_values($objTmp->aFlat); }
It walks through the array, posting each value to a new array using references and storing them in an object temporary. Then PHP provides us with a handy little function to count all duplicate values in an array and return the values themselves as keys. We run that on the flattened array and return the sorted + counted array.
UPDATE: the above code may not work on some setups. I had a problem between PHP 5.2.7 and 5.3.1. If you’re looking for a platform agnostic way:
$values = array(); $it = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($example)); foreach($it as $v) { $values[] = $v; }