Took me all morning, but I finally figured out the syntax for including jQuery (local file) in your Firefox extension.
The background is, I’m making a firefox extension for work and I need to be able to update the html on a page. Loading jQuery in an extension is normal just as simple as a another data include, but with contentScripts you load files to be injected directly into a users page on their current tab.
It’s simple enough, make sure you download a copy of jquery and store it in your “data” folder of your addon. Then in main.js it goes something like this:
var widgets = require("widget"); var tabs = require("tabs"); var self = require('self'); var widget = widgets.Widget({ id: 'modify-page', label: 'Modifies a Page', contentURL: '', onClick: function() { tabs.activeTab.attach({ contentScriptFile: ['jquery.js'),'app.js')] }); } });
The key here is loading items in array form into “contentScriptFile”. It’s not obvious, nor is it intuitive but that’s the way it was built… Hurray Firefox!
I tried that method and it does not work for me I have chrome extension I want to change to firefox extension
so far, have this widget
// This is an active module of the iharper (35) Add-on
exports.main = function() {};
var tabs = require(“tabs”);
var widget = require(“widget”);
var data = require(“self”).data;
var data = require(“sdk/self”).data;
id: “mozilla-icon”,
label: “My Mozilla Widget”,
contentURL: data.url(“zmc-icon.png”),
onClick: function() {“zmc.html”));
how on earth do I get the jquery.min.js in this addon