Setting up PHP5 and Apache on EC2 and Google Cloud Compute Engine

Over the years I’ve moved steadily into a toolset that requires less and less server management for my projects. I now focus on making “apps” instead of custom applications on the server since it’s more secure, easier to manage and automatically backed up. However, every once in a while I find myself doing a little server management and for that,

Organic Robotic Locomotion

I just got super into looking at different forms of locomotion that feel more organic. Below is a compilation of some of different types out there.

Create an Exact Copy of You Current Raspberry Pi

Quick one today guys. When you have your raspberry pi setup up the way you want with all the packages installed correctly and working. You can create an exact copy of your image by simply popping the sd card in to your computer (I’m on a mac) and using dd. It works like this. When you installed your sd card

Streaming Audio on Raspberry Pi

First off, you’re not the only one trying to do this, there are many of us and most of us have left a comment or question on the interwebs, so look it up if you run into trouble. You’ll have to look harder than normal… First off, follow my tutorial on getting audio up and running on one pi before

Raspberry Pi – Setting Up Your Audio

The first thing to note is that we are aiming to get out analog audio jack working. If this is not your goal and you are trying to get audio over HDMI to work then you simply need to follow the same directions and substitute “2” instead of “1” when you are told in the instructions below. Be on the

Turtlebot 101 – Coming Soon

Ok so along with android tutorials, I’ll be moving more into the physical realm with beginner tutorials on ROS. For those who don’t know what that is, it stands for Robot Operating System and its basically combining 50 years of robotics research a programming into one solid platform that extends across many common robotics platforms including Turtlebot. Just wanted to

Augmented Reality – Detecting Planar Surfaces

Recently I was asked to do some research on whether or not it’s possible for an AR (Augmented Reality) app to do surface detection without a marker. Basically an AR app needs markers to compare the distortion in order to surmize a plane surface. However, there is some exciting research coming around, see my response below: Note: First off I

Android Development 103: Barcode Scanner!

Ok let’s finally do something useful! Of course this has been done a million times, but what the heck, let’s make a barcode scanner. First off, we are going to build it with Google’s ZXing (zebra crossing) library. This allows us to open the camera, use the app they already built and capture the data without us having to write

Android Development 102: Camera

Last time we showed you how to make a simple android app with two buttons and detect when one or the other is pressed. Now we want to use a button to open the camera, take a photo and then retrieve the photo to use in a display. I’ll show you the code and explain what its doing after. Step

Create Local Branch and Track Remote Branch in One Command

Quick one today guys… I need to setup a local branch to track the latest on a remote branch on github. An easy way to do that is: git checkout -b snowden –track origin/snowden Basically, it says we are going to switch to branch “snowden” after we create it with the “-b” command. Then we are going to have that