Debugging Cordova Apps, My Way

Cordova is hard to debug. There are millions things that can go wrong and it hard to separate the easy to debug stuff from the rest once you start working with native. That’s why its important to make the parts that don’t depend on native functionality work in the browser first. Get it working, then when it’s finished, bring it

Uploading multiple APKs to the Play Store from Cordova and Crosswalk

Let’s say you have a low version release and a current release for your app. Let’s also say you’re using crosswalk or another plugin that builds for different device architectures. We can still do it! It all depends the android version code. If you take a look in your android manifest you’ll see something like: android:versionCode=”102052″ Basically it’s a version

Publishing Your Cordova App to the Play Store

You’re done! Now you want to publish? There’s a great resource here: But I’ll repost the instructions here, in case the page goes away. First you need to build for release: [pastacode lang=”bash” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”] cordova build –release android [/pastacode] If you have a keystore file already you can skip the next part. Basically, google requires you to

Git Tracking Remote Branches

For some reason, I’ve always failed to remember what the command to track a remote branch is in git. I look it up on this page everytime I want to do it: Well no more. I figured if I write a post about it, I will remember it so here we go: [pastacode lang=”bash” message=”” highlight=”” provider=”manual”] git fetch origin git

Using the Facebook iOS SDK in Swift

Just a quick video to show you how to use the facebook native ios sdk in swift. follow the directions to get your plist file updated here: Once that’s done follow the instructions to add your build identity to facebooks records. Then… drag the frameworks into your project update your appdelegate file update your view controller make your view controller

Working with Web Apps Directly in Native iOS Apps

This video shows the development process of working directly in a native ios application to update your web app running locally. If you aren’t familiar with how to get that up and running checkout my other tutorial here:

iOS Swift to JavaScript Communication

Hey all, made a quick video showing how to hook up communication between a website (remote/local) and your swift app. Basically it works by making custom url requests that the webview listens for. Swift can respond by running javascript functions. You could even pass data back and forth through JSON if you wanted. Check it out, let me know if