quicky but a goody
du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10
Thats all
Things I learn along the way, I keep here. Life, lessons and betterment through code.
quicky but a goody
du -hsx * | sort -rh | head -10
Thats all
The process is pretty simple. Let’s say you use an ssh key (.pem) file generated by Amazon. However you use the same key on a few of your instances and you’d like to allow a developer access to only one at a time.
To do that, you need to generate a custom ssh key for your developer to log into one machine:
#private key openssl genrsa -des3 -out MyKey.pem #public key ssh-keygen -y -f MyKey.pem > abc.pub #permissions chmod 400 MyKey.pem chmod 700 .ssh chmod 600 .ssh/authorized_keys -> server side #copy to server copy the public key to .ssh/authorized_keys -> server side
That’s it! You should end up with keys that your developer can use on only the servers you allow.
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!
Sometimes you just need one line that says your most recent commit in git. You just want to make sure everything is up to date. It’s super simps.
git rev-parse HEAD
What if you could “Dali-ize” yourself into a work of art? This was the concept behind Gala Contemplating You, where Salvador Dali’s famous work of art turns the viewer into a painting. The concept is simple, take a picture of yourself and we’ll turn you into a one of a kind digital work of art. Shortly thereafter, we show you in the Salvador Dali Museum, next to the real thing for the world to see!
A photo kiosk at the Museum turned visitors’ self-portraits into pixelated replications of the original artwork and projects these new images alongside the original monumental canvas. A corresponding mobile website (galacontemplatingyou.com) allowed virtual visitors – from anywhere around the globe – to submit their photos and become part of the artwork as well. Once displayed, a photo of your work of art next to the original is automatically shared back to you, closing the loop.
We had over 19k submissions gained a ton of press about the project as well as the museum.
We had a good team for this project. Kia produced the software that controlled the camera mounted in the museum. Marpi, produced the software that controlled the projections and helped with installation. Chris and Pablo had the concept. Patrick and MBK kept us all in check by managing the project.
Production of the backend, mobile app and in-museum photo kiosk.
quick one today.
The video shows you how to open a new nswindow from a drop down menu selection. It allows for the nib to be instantiated and call all of the expected “windowDidLoad” behavior.
I’m sending color to an arduino and I’d like to send the entire rgb value in one byte. It’s easy to translate this from rgb values. Something like:
int color = ((b&255 & 0xC0)+((g&255 & 0xE0) >> 2)+((r & 0xE0) >> 5))&0xFF;
But once you get that byte to the arduino, you need to convert it back to an RGB value if you are doing anything useful with neopixels or whatever, so here’s the conversion chart. The keys are the number corresponding to the 8 bit color (0-255):
["0,0,0", "35,0,1", "71,1,2", "107,2,6", "142,4,10", "178,6,16", "214,9,21", "249,13,27", "1,35,2", "36,36,2", "71,36,4", "107,36,7", "142,37,12", "178,38,17", "214,39,22", "249,40,28", "5,71,6", "37,71,6", "72,71,8", "107,72,11", "143,72,15", "178,72,20", "214,73,24", "249,73,30", "11,107,13", "39,107,14", "73,107,15", "108,107,18", "143,107,21", "179,108,24", "214,108,28", "250,108,33", "18,143,22", "42,143,22", "75,143,23", "109,143,24", "144,143,27", "179,143,30", "214,143,33", "250,143,37", "26,178,30", "46,178,30", "77,178,31", "110,178,32", "145,178,34", "180,179,36", "215,179,39", "250,179,42", "undefined", "51,214,38", "79,214,39", "112,214,40", "146,214,41", "181,214,43", "216,214,46", "251,214,48", "undefined", "56,250,46", "82,250,46", "114,250,47", "147,250,49", "182,250,50", "217,250,52", "252,250,55", "1,5,83", "36,6,83", "71,6,84", "107,7,84", "142,9,85", "178,11,86", "214,14,87", "249,17,88", "2,37,84", "36,37,84", "71,38,84", "107,38,84", "142,39,85", "178,39,86", "214,40,87", "249,42,88", "6,72,84", "37,72,84", "72,72,85", "107,72,85", "143,73,86", "178,73,87", "214,74,88", "249,74,89", "12,107,85", "40,107,85", "73,108,86", "108,108,86", "143,108,87", "179,108,88", "214,108,89", "250,109,90", "19,143,87", "43,143,87", "75,143,87", "109,143,88", "144,143,88", "179,143,89", "214,144,90", "250,144,92", "26,179,89", "46,179,89", "77,179,89", "110,179,90", "145,179,90", "180,179,91", "215,179,92", "250,179,94", "undefined", "51,214,92", "79,214,92", "112,214,92", "146,214,93", "181,214,94", "216,215,95", "251,215,96", "undefined", "56,250,95", "82,250,95", "114,250,96", "148,250,96", "182,250,97", "217,250,98", "252,250,99", "4,20,167", "37,20,167", "72,21,167", "107,21,167", "143,22,168", "178,24,168", "214,25,168", "249,27,169", "6,43,167", "37,43,167", "72,43,167", "107,44,167", "143,44,168", "178,45,168", "214,46,169", "249,47,169", "9,75,167", "39,75,167", "73,75,167", "108,75,168", "143,76,168", "178,76,168", "214,77,169", "249,77,169", "15,109,168", "41,109,168", "74,109,168", "108,109,168", "143,110,168", "179,110,169", "214,110,169", "250,111,170", "21,144,169", "44,144,169", "75,144,169", "109,144,169", "144,145,169", "179,145,169", "215,145,170", "250,145,171", "28,180,169", "47,180,169", "77,180,170", "111,180,170", "145,180,170", "180,180,170", "215,180,171", "251,180,172", "undefined", "52,215,171", "80,215,171", "112,215,171", "146,215,171", "181,215,172", "216,215,172", "251,215,173", "undefined", "57,250,172", "83,250,172", "114,250,173", "148,251,173", "182,251,173", "217,251,174", "252,251,174", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "undefined", "12,52,251", "40,52,251", "73,53,251", "108,53,251", "143,53,251", "179,54,251", "214,54,252", "250,55,252", "15,80,251", "41,80,251", "74,80,251", "108,81,251", "143,81,251", "179,81,251", "214,82,252", "250,82,252", "19,113,251", "43,113,251", "75,113,251", "109,113,251", "144,113,251", "179,113,252", "214,114,252", "250,114,252", "25,147,252", "45,147,252", "76,147,252", "110,147,252", "145,147,252", "180,147,252", "215,147,252", "250,148,253", "31,181,252", "49,181,252", "78,181,252", "111,181,252", "146,182,252", "180,182,253", "215,182,253", "251,182,253", "undefined", "53,216,253", "81,216,253", "113,216,253", "147,217,253", "181,217,253", "216,217,254", "251,217,254", "undefined", "58,252,254", "84,252,254", "115,252,254", "148,252,254", "182,252,254", "217,252,255", "255,255,255"]
Sometimes life is simple, too simple.
Sometimes you get stuck for a day and it was something totally ridiculous that you couldn’t figure out. This is one of those days.
Doing IOS Development, I thought I had it down. Create a new UIView, create a new view controller class, and set the UIViewController’s class to the newly created class in the interface builder.
Not so with Cocoa and native development. Don’t worry Apple makes it just as easy. Have a look:
Had a problem creating functions in MySQL with the standard user for an RDS instance on Amazon.
For those who don’t know, Amazon RDS is a sweet place to host a remote database, kind of expensive but worth it if you are using a distributed system. Anyway…
The problem is when you try to run something like:
DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS hello_world; DELIMITER $$ CREATE FUNCTION hello_world(addressee TEXT) RETURNS TEXT DETERMINISTIC READS SQL DATA LANGUAGE SQL -- This element is optional and will be omitted from subsequent examples BEGIN RETURN CONCAT('Hello ', addressee); END; $$ DELIMITER ; SELECT hello_world('Earth');
You get an error message saying something like:
“ERROR 1419: You do not have the SUPER privilege and binary logging is enabled”
This is because the sql server is not accepting incoming create requests from a SUPER
To fix this is not so straight forward. Basically, the solution is here. You need to fix the problem by relaxing the “trust function creators” pool in the parameters.
That should be it, you should be able to run the above function on MySQL 5.5+ no prob bob
You want https on your ec2 instance with nodejs? easy.
First thing is first. There are new rules. You can’t get an ssl certificate anymore that assignes to an IP address (More here). If you don’t know what this means, don’t worry about it. I’ll walk your through.
You’re going to need to set a few things up.
Once you have your domain associate to the elastic IP address you can start applying for the ssl cert.
Now it’s time to grab openSSL and make a certificate request. To generate one, take a look at the documentation here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/dg/configuring-https.html#configuring-https-ssl-rsa.
which openssl
* if you see a path to openssl then you already have it installed on your computer. For instance mine was installed automatically when I installed XAMPP.
cd /path/to/directory/where/you/want/to/store/your/certs
openssl genrsa 2048 > privatekey.pem
openssl req -new -key privatekey.pem -out csr.pem
* Also, for the common name (CA) make sure you use the domain name you pointed at your elastic IP, not the IP itself. You will get rejected otherwise. An example might be: “mydomain.com” not”″ or “http://mydomain.com/”
openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey privatekey.pem -out server.crt
Now that you have your cert (most like you received a zip folder with multiple certs) what do you do?
I’m running NodeJS and this is how I did it:
var express = require('express'), fs = require('fs'), https = require('https'), config = require('./config');
var options = { key: fs.readFileSync(config.sslKeyPath), cert: fs.readFileSync(config.sslCertPath) }; if(config.environment != 'local') { console.log('adding ca cert') options.ca = [fs.readFileSync(config.sslCaPath)]; } var app = express(); var server = https.createServer(options, app); server.listen(config.sslSocketPort, function() { console.log("Listening on " + config.sslSocketPort); }); // if you are using ws or something like it, add the server var wss = new WebSocketServer({server: server});
var config = {} // environmentals config.environment = process.env.DEVELOPMENT_ENVIRONMENT; if(config.environment == 'local') { config.sslSocketPort = 5053; config.sslKeyPath = '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/path/to/privatekey.pem'; config.sslCaPath = '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/path/to/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt'; config.sslCertPath = '/Applications/XAMPP/xamppfiles/htdocs/path/to/server.crt'; } else { config.sslSocketPort = 443; config.sslKeyPath = '/home/ubuntu/path/to/privatekey.pem'; config.sslCaPath = '/home/ubuntu/path/to/gd_bundle-g2-g1.crt'; config.sslCertPath = '/home/ubuntu/path/to/0a87sgdf087asdfg.crt'; } module.exports = config;
This way the config file can tell whether I’m running locally or remotely.
That’s it! Basically all that config shit you can figure out on your own, just wanted to include so I don’t confuse people.